This article is to serve as the final analysis, in its review of the power pole style anchor. It is super swift, super silent, and super secure. Much of its noteworthiness is in its safety. In the history of the anchor industry, the power pole, or Ever Flex, as it is called, is lightweight, durable, runs entirely and only by hydraulic means, and commences performing its function by the mere push of a button. Moreover, the messy days of weighing anchor are gone forever, in this facile new design. Its limitation- it's a shallow water device.
The anchor's strengths are that it is swift, silent, and secure.
The power pole is part of a sportsman series, geared to, and designed for a smaller boat. Due to that fact, it allows the fisherman to quickly control the boat. So, it, is swift and agile and thus its sport is the same, as is its fisherman.
The power pole runs on a pump system, a hydraulic one. It is silent, and therefore appropriate for the serious fisherman. Because it is mounted at waterline level, in the back of the boat, as well as activated from within the boat, via a button, it is far more quiet. There are no loud splashing sounds, so that the avid angler is able even to approach a school of fish, thus increasing the catch.
Historically speaking, anchors would allow drifting, due to the rope design. The gain, there, however was that it was rugged, more so than the power pole, which does suffer from this weakness. However, it is designed to hold the position of the boat secure, by implanting its pole into the lake floor. And, due to its hydraulic pump, it is silent.
This device anchors the vessel to its mooring by inserting a pole into the lake floor. And so, when it is retrieved, there's no mess. It is clean. The pump does all the work- at the push of a button.
The anchor's hydraulic pump serves a safety purpose. Without a rope, there is less impediment on the boat floor, thus reducing the chance of injury. It is, from the button, in the boat, to its hydraulic pump, to the anchors pole, more simple to use.
In short, this is the perfect invention for fisherman. It mounts easily on the transom of the boat, near to the outboard motor. It utilizes the same bolt holes as the motor, and so is out of the way, neat, and convenient. The anchor is available in red, white, blue, black, and chrome. In addition, it truly is cutting edge technology.
If $1,600 for a POWER POLE ANCHOR seems expensive then take a look at an alternative. Check out Dig IN Anchors, its less expensive than wang style anchor.